Series VIII
Scientific, Medical and Technical Writings
Edited by the Leibniz-Editionsstelle Berlin of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
Since the inception of Series III and VII, it had been determined that a further series of the Leibniz edition would have to be planned for the scientific, medical and technical writings. A new research unit within the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences was set up in view of this future Series VIII. The Berlin research unit commenced its work on January 2, 2001.
The manuscripts to be edited in Series VIII concern topics from very diverse fields of the natural sciences, medicine and technology. Among the scientific writings, those on mechanics (volumes 3 to 6) will take up the most space. The volumes published so far contain writings on all fields assigned to the series which were composed by Leibniz during his time in Mainz and especially in Paris (volumes 1 and 2) as well as the first part of the writings on mechanics (volume 3).